Transform Employee Workspaces Through Service Design

Posted by Stratos Innovation Group on Feb 9, 2022


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Tags: Service Design, Codesign, Co Creation, Experience Mapping, Design Strategy, Design Research, Customer Experience, employee experience, Lego Serious Play, Co-Creation Workshop, CX, frameworks, Methodology, Space Planning, Hybrid Working

Your Customers are Creative. It's Time to Build with Them.

Posted by Stratos Innovation Group on Mar 5, 2018

New Needs, New Technologies, New Expectations

Right now, we’re seeing a renaissance of innovation as tech companies jump out of our screens and into the physical spaces where we work, live, play and shop.

Technologies once relegated to obscure, downstream or mundane tasks are taking in a refreshed limelight—and forcing customers to recalibrate to a new normal.

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Tags: Innovation, Codesign, Co Creation, Design Strategy, Customer Experience, Design Thinking, Front End of Innovation

How to co-create experiences with your customers

Posted by Stratos Innovation Group on May 13, 2015
Co-creation: invite the people who will use and interact with your product or service into the process of designing (not just testing). The interactions that come from bringing together customers, your business team and your design team will foster new insights.

So you see the value of mapping out your customer’s desired end-to-end experience with your service or product — but how do you go about doing it? There are different ways, but the most efficient and effective method is to invite customers into the process as co-creators of the journey. Hands down, there is no more meaningful way to envision future experiences. You need to invite the people who will use and interact with your product or service into the process of designing (not just testing) the interactions and touchpoints.

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Tags: Service Design, UX, Design, Co Creation